Sentra Lingua English Garden

Profil Bisnis: Informasi Kontak, Ulasan Pelanggan, Peringkat & Akreditasi, Keluhan Pelanggan, Detail Bisnis


Sentra Lingua English Garden


Sentralingua | Communicating People

All courses are run by highly trained and experienced, friendly teachers who understand the importance of learning through the method of engagement. Having studied second languages ourselves, we know how vital it is for students to be interested in the topic source to learn quickly and effectively.We design a course based on your needs and usage for social situations, business environtment or for diplomatic purposes. We can also focus on improving specific skills, such as : Reading, Speaking, Writing or Listening. In teaching, we use a communicative approach. Learners speak whatever level of Indonesian they are able to speak with the teachers, bringing "real-life" communications into the classroom continuously and actively. This method encourages students to express themselves in the manner that best meets their own communication needs.


Perumahan Griya Sakinah, Tanah Baru, Kecamatan Beji, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16426



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