Driving Range Hotel Bumi Wiyata

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Driving Range Hotel Bumi Wiyata


Hotel Bumi Wiyata - Green Mice Hotel

Hotel Bumi Wiyata is a three stars hotel that located on Jl. Margonda Raya Depok 16423 West Java. Hotel Bumi Wiyata has 13 ha areas and 91 Rooms which divided into six types of room; Standard Room, Superior Room, Deluxe Superior Room, Suite Room, Deluxe Suite Room & Executive Room. Hotel Bumi Wiyata is the perfect choice for your business activity, gathering, wedding, outbound and family. With the concept of the greatest hotel for recreational meeting surrounding with traditional nature, various facilities and warm hospitality will makes all your event become a memorable one., Hotel Bumi Wiyata - Green Mice Hotel


JRCH+3RV, Jl. Margonda Raya, Kemiri Muka, Kecamatan Beji, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16423


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